Chemical Properties of Phenols
Chemical Properties of Phenols: Overview
This topic covers concepts such as Acidic Character of Phenols, Directive Nature of -OH group of Phenols, Chemical Properties of Phenols, Reaction of Phenols with Active Metals, Reaction of Phenol with NaOH, etc.
Important Questions on Chemical Properties of Phenols
Which of the following statements are true?
(i) Phenol is a stronger acid than alcohol.
(ii) Alcohols are comparatively more soluble in water than the corresponding hydrocarbons.

When sodium phenoxide is heated with carbon dioxide under pressure, sodium salicylate is obtained as major product. This on acidification given salicylic acid. This reaction is known as

The electrophile involved in the above reaction is

The electrophile involved in the above reaction is

The structure of the compound that gives a tribromo derivative on treatment with bromine water is –

The structure of the compound that gives a tribromo derivative on treatment with bromine water is

p-cresol reacts with chloroform in alkaline medium to give the compound which adds hydrogen cyanide to form the compound . The latter on acidic hydrolysis gives chiral carboxylic acid. The structure of the carboxylic acid is –

The major product obtained on interaction of phenol with sodium hydroxide and carbon dioxide is –

Complete the given reaction:

In the above reaction, is :

Salicylaldehyde is used for the preparation of methyl salicylate.

Which of the following compound is used for the preparation of methyl salicylate?

Write the chemical equation for the preparation of methyl salicylate?

Write the preparation of methyl salicylate?

Salicylic acid is used for the preparation of Salol.

Which of the following is used for the preparation of Salol?

Write the preparation of Salol?

Write the equation for the preparation of salol from phenol?

Write the final product in Kolbe-Schmidt reaction?

Which type of substitution reaction taking place in Kolbe-Schmidt reaction?